Reach total relaxation and renew your skin with services customized just for you. Massages and facials aren't just for women - your muscle and skin need attention too. Whether you need to recover from the everyday strain on your body or want to be your best for an upcoming event soak can help!
Men's Facials
Soak's Gentleman's Facial Tailored specifically for men, this facial helps with dry skin caused by shaving, razor bump prevention, breakout control, sensitivity and inflammation inhibition, expression line block, wrinkle and age repair, and hyperpigmentation and color correction. After a deep pore cleansing, the skin is toned and conditioned revealing a clean, fresh face. This is the perfect treatment to restore balance and hydration. 50 minutes • 110.25
Purifying Back Treatment Breakouts aren’t limited to the skin on your face. This treatment combines fruit enzymes, beta hydroxy acids, and powerful anti-inflammatory botanicals to eliminate stubborn and often embarrassing back acne. It combines chemical and mechanical exfoliation with salicylic acid and anti-inflammatory botanicals to heal breakouts on the back. 50 minutes • 110.25
Men's Massages
Signature Integrated Massage Let our specialists work out those knots and stiff, sore spots by gently stretching your muscles with fluid movements. 20 minutes • 57.75 50 minutes • 110.25 80 minutes • 162.75
Total Body Stretch Massage Great for all men ranging from active men to men that sit at a desk all day! This massage soothes strained muscles and eases the tension in tight muscles. 50 minutes • 110.25
Aromatherapy Massage Your choice of aromatherapy blend best suited for men mixed in your massage crème as well as all throughout the room to help you receive a deeper relaxation. Clarifying Relaxation: This blend of lavender & rosemary offers a gentle soft, rounded sent, known for its lymph-stimulating, cell rejuvenation and increased circulation, and calming benefits. Hydrating Orange: This blend of orange and frankincense offers a stimulating scent beneficial for dry, sensitive skin. It helps to calm and soothe. 50 minutes • 120.75 80 minutes • 173.25
Men's Manicures and Pedicures
*If booking with our Master Nail Technician Kinah, there is a $10 increase per service based on 10+years of experience, continuing education and a profited technique.
Signature Manicure Your grip and your handshake are all signs of your personal signature. Feel confident about your hands with this signature manicure. It includes clipping, filing, and cuticle care. Followed by a hand massage and your choice of buff to shine off a matte top coat to protect your nails. 30 minutes • 31.50
Express Pedicure Just need the essentials? Come for a warm, softening foot soak, with clipping, filing and cuticle care, followed by a quick foot massage and your choice of polish or buff to shine. 30 minutes • 47.25
Spa Pedicure Soak your tired feet in a tub of warm water, thorough buffing for overactive feet. Legs from the knee down will be exfoliated. Calluses will be softened and nails are trimmed and filed, followed by a deep relaxing massage. 60 minutes • 63